Our Mission
HIPPY is a home visitation program that serves as a catalyst for change at all levels- family, school, and community - by increasing school readiness and parental involvement.
Our Model
The program was designed to bring families, organizations and communities together and remove any barriers to participation that may include limited financial resources or lack of education. The HIPPY program has three components, each of which must be in place to assure program fidelity to this research proven model:
Service Delivery: home visits (once a week), parent meetings (10 each program year).
Curriculum: 30 week curriculum for ages 3, 4, and 5 (90 weeks total).
Role Play: This method of instruction promotes a comfortable, non-threatening learning environment.
Staff: Professional coordinator (teacher, social worker or other degreed profession) who has attended weeklong pre-service. The coordinator directly supervises and supports the home visitors. Home visitors are peers, often program alumni, who visit the HIPPY families and implement the weekly curriculum.
Our Philosophy
By educating children and building stronger families, HIPPY enables parents to be more involved in child education and welfare.
HIPPY is based on the Philosophy that:
All parents want the best for their children.
All children can learn.
Parents can teach and support other parents.

Our Goals
Empower educationally underserved parents to be the primary educators of their preschool children
Increase successful early school outcomes by focusing on skills outlined in the Texas Education Agency Pre-kindergarten Guidelines
Increase parental involvement in all aspects of their child's education